Rocket Knight 777
Andral - Aeroids - Alkems - Allies of the Sparrow - Battle Kombatant - Canyon Troopers - Chemisaurus - Cherfim - Chronomaly Lord - Coloknights - Comborg - Cursed Art - Decibel HERO - Demolichines - Desperadoes - Florasapien - Galactic - Guardian Forces - Illusion Figment - Justarmament - League of Colors - Madness - Netherworld - Oceanites - Order of the Elements - Paleolith - Phobiac - Pixel Soldier - Possessors - Pyre Knights - Roulette - Savage Jungle - Sengoroku - Shadow Zone - Star Dancer - Stellar Malice - Storm Commandos - Technorganic - The Forgotten (series) - TPP Based Series - Tribal - Tsunami Soldiers - U.S.A. - Verzease - Virus - Vulcaneers - Zectiods - Zodiagons
Single Cards
Arcana Force EX - The Twilight Ruler - Arcana Force X - Wheel of Fortune - Avatar of the Oceans - Big Core MK-III - Big Core MK-IV - Body Schooling Fish - Bombing Beast Fire Bomber - Catastruction Inc., Head Foreman of Heavy Industry - Dekoichi the Battle Express - Elemental HERO Infernal Blaze Biker - Field Master - Igzon Bohz - Fiend Roar Deity Legionaire - Fiend Roar Deity Beast Amut - Fiend Roar Deity Beast Krakone - Fiend Roar Deity Beast Olgoihoi - Fiend Roar Deity Beast Sazoni - Firebird, The Burning Skywing - Gamebuster TX-2000J - Harvest Master - Hauling Heavy Machinery: Dirt Dumper - Head Squid - Item Shop - Zetsukiboh, The Otherworlds Traveler - Poltergeist Haunting - Tail Eel - Terran Genex - The Champion Team - United Ballers - Tipler Cylinder
Zolton Tate - Keith Dresped - Erick Lorenzo - Delilah Oakridge - Maria Cervantes
Jethro Cartwright - Vinnie Baritony
Shane Dillon - Marcus Pierce - Xander Mundy - Donny MacInvogue - Edward Uri - Trevor Pulletsar
VI - VII - VIII - IX - X - Simon Notroson - Gordy Fierman - Paola D. Thomas - Rudy Southwoods - Obediah "Obbie" Daniels - Norman Brody - Zack Arthurs - Peter Stanson - Jayden - The Arcade Kings - Usagi Jinguji - Jim Bungy - Illdoon - Farakad - Koesha - Aloca - Plarys - Ordelk - Awfradan - Eterral - Friar Mathias - Atuthakam - Oog-Gah - Crocker - Giuseppe - Martha - Madam Heartthrob and her Fiendish Fingers
Phil Stewartson III - Yoko Morikawa
Angus - Ava - Kannen - Medah - Tohru
Re-imagined Characters
Mokuba Kaiba - Noah Kaiba
III - IV - V - Bronk Stone - Captian Corn - Caswell - Cathy - Charlie McCoy - Dextra - Flip - Nistro - Cologne - Mr. K - Dr. Faker - Girag - Alito - Mizael - Durbe - Vector - Art Stanley - Mr. Heartland - Kaninja - Semimaru - Kurage
Shadowchasers: The Glass City Saga - Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's: Force of the Guardians - YuGiOh! Need to Duel Tournament - YuGiOh! GX: The Next Legacy - Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL: Hunt for the Numbers
Contributed To
Aurora - Battlin' Boxer - Chronomaly - Comics Hero - CXyz - Gimmick Puppet - Hand - Heraldic - Hieratic - Junk Robot - Kidnae - KOAL - Malicevorous - Number - Numbershots - Recycle - Supercolossal - Evilswarm