Yu-Gi-Oh Card Maker Wiki
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Your Side Deck is a collection of between 1 and 15 Cards, separate from your Main Deck. The Side Deck is used only between Duels, to alter the contents of your Main Deck to better suit a strategy against an opponent's Deck.

For example, a Burn Deck, a deck based around dealing direct damage through Card Effects and Spell Cards, could be easily countered by including several cards to prevent Life Point damage, such as Des Wombat.

Common Side Deck cards include various forms of Spell and Trap removal (such as Dust Tornado) and cards that can directly counter common strategies (such as Prohibition and Imperial Iron Wall).

However, a Side Deck is not compulsory, in which case, a value of 0 for a Side Deck is also considered legal. In both the OCG and the TCG, any value between 0 and 15 inclusive is permissible.

You cannot put Fusion Monsters or Synchro Monsters in your Side Deckref.
