Yu-Gi-Oh Card Maker Wiki

The icon used for Splice Spell Cards.

A Splice Spell Card, known as a Splice Magic Card (スプライス魔法(まほう) Supuraisu Mahō) in the OCG, is a unique Type of Spell Card. Each Splice Spell Card possesses two separate effects: A regular Spell Effect, and a Splice Effect. All Splice Spell Cards affect monsters with their effects, primarily through their Splice Effects in order to perform Hybrid Summons.

Splice Spell Cards act similar to either Equip Spell Cards by equipping to monsters, or Continuous Spell Cards by remaining on the field and affecting monsters. Splice Spell Cards that act similar to Continuous Spell Cards always have Ignition effects, either as their Spell Effect or their Splice Effect, in order to designate a target for Hybrid Summons.
