This set includes:
SGD-001 - Slot Machine #2
SGD-002 - Suicide
SGD-003 - Yong-Sin-Boi
SGD-004 - Legendary Swordsman
SGD-005 - Supernova Bug
SGD-006 - Yang Fo the Dragon Tamer
SGD-007 - Torrential Downpour
SGD-008 - Shadow Ghost of the Night
SGD-009 - Yang Fo the Supernova Knight
SGD-010 - Creepy Attic
SGD-011 - Beast of Fury
SGD-012 - Super Tornado Thunderstorm!!
SGD-013 - Mage's Staff
SGD-014 - Destruction Virus
SGD-015 - Removing Super Ray of Annihilation
SGD-016 - Super Formation
SGD-017 - Ancient Fist
SGD-018 - 1-Armed Fiend
SGD-019 - Fiend Equipped with the Ancient Fist
SGD-020 - Combination
SGD-021 - Skeletal Mage
SGD-022 - Mage Attack
SGD-023 - Destructive Sword
SGD-024 - I'm Bored...
SGD-025 - Ryu-Shin
SGD-026 - Omega Serpent
SGD-027 - Power Soldier
SGD-028 - Bandas Godsword
SGD-029 - Wormhole
SGD-030 - Death Shadow
SGD-031 - Ambelisk the Guardian of Egypt
SGD-032 - Hooded Millennium Mage
SGD-033 - Millennium Spiral
SGD-034 - Freak Thunderstorm?!
SGD-035 - Sales Chart: Prices Down for Corpo!!!
SGD-036 - Magnetor Plus-Minus
SGD-037 - +++ Magnetic Current
SGD-038 - --- Magnetic Current
SGD-039 - ++--//PlusMinusCurrent\\--++
SGD-040 - M.A.G. Force
SGD-041 - Indestructible Shield
SGD-042 - Camouflaged Entity
SGD-043 - VOLCANO BLAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!